Tuesday, February 11, 2014

You can't get where you're going without a map (or Siri)...

I lost my map sometime ago. And at 45 have found myself a traveling Respiratory Therapist, great career, a home of my own, amazing friends and a huge ass.


 That's right, my body has aged, but my brain says I'm still 18 and can eat any old thing I want and not have to work to stay well. I realized very recently that if I want to remain "18", vibrant, SuperAuntie, healthy, compassionate and able to work-- I needed to do something.

What "something" did I choose? I decided that I want to become a certified yoga instructor. Yep, I signed up for a month long instructor course just outside of Todos Santos, Mexico. Am I boo-nanners? You betcher ass, but that's beside the point here. My month in a yogi paradise begins in mid-October and between now & then I've got to make myself better. In 8 months. I can do this, right?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not setting out to be Shiva Rea or anything crazy like that. But I want to be able to give back to people in a way that doesn't involve putting breathing tubes down their throats. Taking care of myself has to come first in order to do that. Time to hit the mat. Hard and often. Consistency is key and not my strong suit. But 3 grand makes me think I can do it.

 Welcome to my journey, map and mat in hand.